Fast alle Skills sind mandatory eingebaut. Piling On auf jeden Fall (war auch schon in BB1 mandatory eingebaut (?))
Dodge funktioniert an den Seitenlininen auch mandatory (leider nicht in der Mitte des Feldes) - gibt aber einen Bug dass die Abfrage bei einem Chainpush nicht kommt
Stand Firm war mir neu - ich hab das bislang immer angezeigt bekommen und konnte wählen.
Hier ist die bekannte Fehlerliste:
LRB6 / Skills behavior
No turnover if you cast a Wizard Lightning Bolt on your own player.
No turnover if you crowdsurf your own player holding the ball.
No turnover if a troll eats the goblin holding the ball.
When you score a touchdown thanks to the Dump-Off skill, the block action is skipped.
Fend is not used on a chainpushed player (it shouldn't be fixed as long as Fend is mandatory).
If a player is injured and the stat malus can't be applied (already 1 in the stat or loss of stat for the third time), he won't miss the next game as he should.
A player stunned during the Blitz event stays on the ground one extra turn.
If you're using Catch of Pro with a player during the kick-off reception, you can't use it again with this player during the first turn.
The Diving Tackle log dices is broken.
A player throwed during this turn doesn't have to use 3 movement points to stand up.
Dauntless doesn't take the Multiple Block malus into account.
You can still perform your second Multiple Block if you used Piling On on the first block.
The Prehensile Tail dodge malus doesn't stack if you have several players with this skill.
If only 1 GFI is required to perform a Leap, the game still roll 2 GFI.
You don't lose the Leader reroll if the leader player is crowdsurfed.
A Secret Weapon player who enters the pitch thanks to the Perfect Defence event is not expelled at the end of the drive.
Problem with Stunty and Mighty Blow (if you roll a 8+MB : standard Casualty roll, if you roll a 9+MB : always Badly Hurt -> it should be the contrary)
Halfing Chef can remove the Leader Reroll.
The apothecary can be used on Wilhelm Chaney, Bottol, Quetzal and Willow.
Too many players can return from a KO at the start of the overtime.
A non-blitz block action with a Juggernaut player cancels the opponent Wrestle.
A stab action during a blitz doesn't need an extra move to be used.
The Necromancer can be used on a dead Starplayer