Each coach must play a different race. Only one coach per team may take Wood Elves for example.
Eurobowl and Europen are both played with the Competition Rules Pack with the NAF tournament changes in line with
Blood Bowl 2016, Death Zone 1 & 2. Things may change throughout the year and we reserve the right to update these rules
inline with the NAFs decision. Once the deadline for registration has passed the rules will be locked in place.
We play according to the resurrection style of play. All coaches start each game with the same roster and skills they
registered before the tournament.
Each coach builds their team with a treasury consisting of 1,100,000 gold crowns.
No inducements are available to any teams with the following exceptions: Goblins may buy 0-3 bribes and Halflings may
buy 0-1 master chef.
All skills will be chosen before the tournament and will stay the same for all matches throughout the tournament. See the
tier chart below for information on how many and which type of skills your selected team can choose. Skill stacking or stat
upgrades are not allowed for either Eurobowl or Europen
Tier 1 - Wood Elf, Undead, Lizardmen, Skaven, Dwarf, Chaos Dwarf, Orcs, Dark Elf, Norse, Amazon, Bretonnian
6 normal skills
Tier 2 - Chaos, Chaos Pact, Human, Khemri, Slann, Necromantic, High Elf, Elf, Nurgle, Vampire, Underworld, Khorne
7 normal skills & 1 double skill
Tier 3 - Halfling, Goblin, Ogre
6 normal skills & 2 double skills