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THEMA: Eurobowl / Europen Infos

Eurobowl / Europen Infos 22 Jan 2018 22:13 #37434

  • rolo
  • rolos Avatar
  • Expert Boarder
  • Beiträge: 155
  • Dank erhalten: 26
  • Karma: -7
Gnadenlos von TFF kopiert:

Kosten für Coaches £75 bzw nach heutige Kurs etwa €85.
DaPiranha schrieb:
Hi everyone!

We hope everyone had a great festive period

Here are your options for attending Eurobowl and the Europen whether as a player or a spectator

Eurobowl - £600 for a team of 8
Includes - 6 games of Blood Bowl, lunch both days and gifts yet to be announced

Europen - £225 for a team of 3
Includes - 6 games of Blood Bowl, lunch both days and gifts yet to be announced

Gold Spectator - £40
Includes - Lunch both days and gifts yet to be announced

Silver Spectator - £20
Includes - Lunch both days

Please note all prices are in pounds, euros will not be accepted

Next week we will be showcasing what everyone will be playing for!
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Eurobowl / Europen Infos 28 Jan 2018 20:00 #37923

  • rolo
  • rolos Avatar
  • Expert Boarder
  • Beiträge: 155
  • Dank erhalten: 26
  • Karma: -7
Ab Morgen (Montag 29 Jan) Darf registriert werden:
DaPiranha schrieb:
Registration time!

We will open registration on Monday morning for both Eurobowl and the Europen events. Visitors can also register, either in conjunction with a team or separately.

To register we will need the real name, NAF name and NAF number for all players, submitted by the team Captain via email to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

We are a small organisational team so we will not be responding to registration emails but instead update the Eurobowl website and Talk Fantasy Football pages with teams that have registered. We aim to do this once per week but the real world gets in the way and this may take a few weeks to be updated depending on the volume of registrations.

Please don’t panic if your team is slow to appear following sending your registration email.

In the meantime let’s show you what you’ll be playing for!

The photos included are of the amazing trophies that have been specially designed for us by Whitefoot 3D

We will have an individual trophy for every team member who wins and one for every individual award.

Die machen danach Werbung für die 3D Design Büro:
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