Gibt es kurzfristig kommende Woche (6. Februar) - folgende Punkte stehen auf der Tagesordnung:
Presentation of Greece about the status of the eurobowl organisation 2024
Future Hostings, who wants and can host
Draft Pairings in Eurobowl?
re-election of committee (we didn't have an election last eurobowl)
Clean Up and close Loopholes in the Charta: a) voting rights of teams outside Europe, b) attendance of teams outside of Europe, c) who is a "representative" of the country
Eligibility of non-playing captains/coaches if they are available for foreign countries in their home country
Russian Players as Residents in Non-Russian Teams - is this an issue at all?
Falls ihr bestimmte Ansichten habt, die ich vertreten soll, immer raus damit. Ich weiss es ist etwas kurzfristig aber immerhin haben wir noch 1 Woche Zeit