Leap (Agility) A player with the Leap skill is allowed to jump to any empty square within 2 squares even if it requires jumping over a player from either team. Making a leap costs the player two squares of movement. In order to make the leap, move the player to any empty square 1 to 2 squares from their current square and then make an Agility roll for the player. No modifiers apply to this D6 roll unless he has Very Long Legs. The player does not have to dodge to leave the square he starts in. If the player successfully makes the D6 roll then they make a perfect jump and may carry on moving. If the player fails the Agility roll then he is Knocked Down in the square that he was leaping to, and the opposing coach makes an Armour roll to see if he was injured. A player may only use the Leap skill once per turn
Leap kostet also immer 2 Bewegungspunkte, die Du auch haben musst. Der Bug den Du beschreibst ist bekannt:
LRB6 / Skills behavior
No turnover if you cast a Wizard Lightning Bolt on your own player.
No turnover if you crowdsurf your own player holding the ball.
No turnover if a troll eats the goblin holding the ball.
When you score a touchdown thanks to the Dump-Off skill, the block action is skipped.
The Brilliant Coaching event doesn't take the Assistant Coaches in account.
Fend is not used on a chainpushed player (it shouldn't be fixed as long as Fend is mandatory).
If a player is injured and the stat malus can't be applied (already 1 in the stat or loss of stat for the third time), he won't miss the next game as he should.
Pass Block can't be used on a long bomb pass.
A player stunned during the Blitz event stays on the ground one extra turn.
If you're using Catch of Pro with a player during the kick-off reception, you can't use it again with this player during the first turn.
The Diving Tackle log dices is broken.
A player throwed during this turn doesn't have to use 3 movement points to stand up.
Dauntless doesn't take the Multiple Block malus into account.
You can still perform your second Multiple Block if you used Piling On on the first block.
The Prehensile Tail dodge malus doesn't stack if you have several players with this skill.
If only 1 GFI is required to perform a Leap, the game still roll 2 GFI.
You don't lose the Leader reroll if the leader player is crowdsurfed.
A Secret Weapon player who enters the pitch thanks to the Perfect Defence event is not expelled at the end of the drive.
Problem with Stunty and Mighty Blow (if you roll a 8+MB : standard Casualty roll, if you roll a 9+MB : always Badly Hurt -> it should be the contrary)
Halfing Chef can remove the Leader Reroll.
The apothecary can be used on Wilhelm Chaney, Bottol, Quetzal and Willow.
Too many players can return from a KO at the start of the overtime.
The ball is desync when you try to pick up the ball and dodge the opponent in the same move if you fail the first dodge and successfully reroll it.
If you plan a move+foul action but your player is followed by a Shadowing player, the foul is activated from afar and the turn of your player ends (red circle).
If you plan a move+handoff action but your player is followed by a Shadowing player, you can't handoff anymore this turn.
It might be possible to sell fan factor with a team that has already played a match (should be very rare).
The game will crash if you try to aim out of the field with a pass in control mode BB1.
When one of your player with the Dodge skill is pushed to the sideline on a Defender Stumbles result, you can't choose to use Dodge or not if you are about to chainpush another player.
The toss choice can be skip at the start of the overtime if a player doesn't skip the injured/KO cut-scenes.
Not reproducible (could be outdated/unclear)
Freeze at the end of a drive against the AI when a bribe from the stadium enhancement is used.
Some Armour rolls aren't displayed in the log.
Using a Wizard could skip the opponent turn (probably outdated)
Pass Block doesn't apply on a long pass (only against AI?)