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THEMA: Der 18. Dungeonbowl 2023 04.03.2023+ 05.03.2023

Der 18. Dungeonbowl 2023 04.03.2023+ 05.03.2023 20 Aug 2022 09:43 #125961

  • DocMaXX
  • DocMaXXs Avatar
  • Administrator
  • Beiträge: 525
  • Dank erhalten: 46
  • Karma: 15
Dear fellow coaches,

It's time to present the rules for the 2022 German Major BB Tournament, the XVIII. Dungeonbowl, which will be held on 04.03. and 05.03.2023 at the youth hostel in Düsseldorf.


The participation fee is 65 EUR. To register, please send an email to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! You will then receive bank details and all other important information by email. Please note, that your registration will only become valid upon receipt of the money on our account. There will be a list of the enrolled participants on

The First 30 that payed gets an extra set tournament dice in a unique Colour.


Düsseldorfer Str. 1a
40545 Düsseldorf

Saturday, 04.05.2023
Entry & Registration 09:30-10:00h
Welcome & Info 10:00h-10:30h
Round 1 10:30h-13:00h
Lunch break
Round 2 13:45h-16:15h
Round 3 16:30h-19:00h

Sunday, 05.03.2023
Entry 08:30h-08:45h
Round 4 09:00h-11:30h
Lunch break
Round 5 12:15h-14:45h
Round 6 15:15h-17:45h
Evaluation & Award ceremony 17:45h-18:30h


You will play a series of 6 games of Blood Bowl against 6 different coaches. This is a resurrection style tournament. After each match all injured or dead players are refreshed for the next game. So you will play each match with the full team as created for the start of the tournament. All skills assigned (description below) will be kept.

For the first round, the match-ups are drawn randomly. After that, the coaches are paired based on their position in the overall rankings (based on the points they scored). The first two coaches, 1st and 2nd place, play each other, then the 3rd and the 4th place and so on, however, in no case against an opponent they already played against. (SWISS SYSTEM)

Each match is assigned to a table and a time. Please make sure you arrive on time. If you are paired against an opponent you have already played against in the tournament or your opponent does not show up, the referees will provide help. If you arrive late the referees may decide that you may not play in that round.

There is a result card for each table to be used by the coaches on that table to fill in all relevant information regarding their match. It will have space for the following stats: Coach names, Team names, touchdowns and casualties, all of which are indispensable for us to run the tournament properly. We will hold both coaches participating in each match responsible to deliver a properly filled result card.

After the final game the coach with the most tournament points will be declared the "Best Overall" (based on tournament points). In addition there will be the following awards: "Most Touchdowns", "Most Casualties Caused", "Best Stunty" and "Best painted".

The two coaches on top of the overall ranking after round five will be paired against each other on a special table, "The Dungeon" (even if they have already played against each other). The first to score a touchdown will win the match and be declared the "2020 Dungeonbowl Champion".

Last but not least, the two best ranked Stunty Teams after round 5 will be paired against to fight for the "Best Stunty" award. If one (or both) coaches won't play in the Stunty Final, cause of playing for the Tournament Champion, the next Stunty Team in the rankings will follow up for the Stunty Final.

Rest of the Rules is coming soon
Letzte Änderung: 20 Aug 2022 11:35 von DocMaXX.
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Yaghul

Der 18. Dungeonbowl 2023 04.05.2023+ 05.03.2023 20 Aug 2022 09:44 #125962

  • DocMaXX
  • DocMaXXs Avatar
  • Administrator
  • Beiträge: 525
  • Dank erhalten: 46
  • Karma: 15
Ja die anmeldung geht nun los.....
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Der 18. Dungeonbowl 2023 04.05.2023+ 05.03.2023 20 Aug 2022 11:38 #125968

  • DocMaXX
  • DocMaXXs Avatar
  • Administrator
  • Beiträge: 525
  • Dank erhalten: 46
  • Karma: 15
Regeln kommen nach den Eurobowl
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