Blood Bowl

Für die Ausrichtung des NAF World Cup 2019 ist Deutschland in einer gemeinsamen Bewerbung mit Österreich und der Schweiz in der Grenzregion Bodensee im Rennen. Einzig verbliebener Konkurrent ist die Isle of Wight in England. In den nächsten Wochen werden durch die NAF ausgewählte Personen darüber diskutieren und auf dem NAFC im April in Nottingham die Entscheidung verkünden.

Members of the NAF Committee are involved with rules on a personal basis from this point, though were not formally involved in the box or DZ1.

There was discussion that the NAF want to ensure that the existing membership is catered for and sure on the rules of the game, yet to accommodate, as much as possible, the likely expansion of the player-base with the re-released game.

It was noted that, with the exception of the 3 BBRC-agreed teams, the NAF has always used the Official Rules as published by GW. For the first time there will inevitably be a split if we rule that the remaining 47 star players and wizards are allowed or special play cards are not mandatory. As we believe that the community wish to use the remaining star players (as well as Slann) and have discretion on cards, there will be a split from the Official Rules.

We do have some responsibility for Leagues because various leagues will follow what the NAF does.

The Tournament Director Gaixo will be publishing some guidelines that the Tournament Subcommittee has been working on providing more complete guidance for Tournament Organisers.

The NAF will publish a document in the next couple of weeks that explains what rules sanctioned NAF tournaments should follow from the 1st February 2017. The 3 month period previously mentioned was a maximum timescale.

These will be as follows:
– Box Set, Death Zone 1, Errata, FAQ, Teams of Legend, with the following changes:
o Slann should be used.
o Piling On should be in the rules pack and does not require a reroll.
o CRP Wizards may be used at TO discretion (as previously).
o All CRP Stars and those released by GW at the Bugman’s Tournament should be allowed (at their corrected costs).
o Cards do not have to be used. TO discretion regarding using the old ones, new ones, or neither. If the new ones are used there is the option of pricing the weaker deck at 50k and the stronger at 200k.

NB this means that 60k Human Catchers, Arguing the Call and Timberrrr should be used.

The Committee will reconvene to consider future rules changes.

Ab der kommenden Woche schaltet Cyanide die Nurgle in Bloodbowl 2 für die Benutzer frei. Ihr könnt dann wenn ihr das Spiel bislang schon gekauft habt kostenlos die stinkenden Jungs ins Feld führen. Damit werden wir sie wohl in Zukunft auch in unseren Ligen häufiger zu sehen bekommen.

Sann0638, Präsident der NAF, hat auf die unten stehende Ausschreibung veröffentlicht. Der 3. NAF World Cup war mit fast 1000 Spielern ein Riesenevent. Die Fußstapfen, welche die Organisatoren des 4. World Cups füllen müssen, sind groß; ebenso aber auch die Chancen auf ein weiteres unvergessliches Fest für unsere Community. Auch wenn ihr euch nicht um eine Austragung bewerben wollt, solltet ihr die Ausschreibung, Vergabe und Planung verfolgen und am nächsten World Cup teilnehmen. Es gibt in unserem Hobby nichts Größeres!

"Dear Members,

It is time to start the process for the World Cup bids for 2019. This post is to explain how to make a bid for those wanting to do so and to explain to the community what the process is, what it entails and timescales. A history of the World Cup bid process can be found on the forum.


Countries or communities wishing to make a bid may contact the NAF President directly by PM or email Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!. When the bid cut off date closes, the selection committee will have a month to discuss the bids and then will cast votes on the venue.  This will give us the decision – the bid with the most votes in one round of voting will win. More than one bid from a country is allowed.

Ideally, countries putting forward bids should seek to host the event in September – November of 2019. It is advantageous to try and consider holiday periods such as school term times.

World Cup 3 in Lucca was a massive event, with over 900 Blood Bowl coaches attending in a massive convention centre. The bids for World Cup 4 must bear this in mind, that there are likely to be around 1000 (at least) who would like to attend if it is financially viable.

The panel will be making judgements on the following, so the bid documents must contain details of:

  • The venue itself, showing table layout and catering, and the specific dates of the event.
  • The transport options for getting to the general area and the venue itself.
  • Possible accommodation, with costs.
  • The entry cost to the tournament.
  • Who will be staffing the event. You will need a team of organisers and referees.
  • How many you think are likely to attend your event, with reasons.

The event should consist of 3 days, 3 games per day, from Friday to Sunday. For WC3 there were tiers for the different races. The final decision on rules is made in conjunction with the NAF Committee, but if you have specific ideas on this please do include them.

Who decides?
There is a committee made up of over 30 members who are well known in the community. They have one vote each. These are players who have run big events, travelled long distances and experienced many events. They know what makes a good event, they know what to look for. We used this process to great success previously and it works. The NAF President will have the casting vote, and will not be part of the original voting panel. The voting committee will be kept anonymous to avoid people trying to influence the vote.

The event itself should break even as close as possible. We do not look to make a profit or intend to donate funds, however, one of the reasons we keep a considerable cash reserve is to help with deposits where applicable and suitable. We recognise that those bidding are not companies but local friends and gaming communities.

October 16 – bid process announced. A Q&A thread will be used for those putting bids together to ask questions, or questions can be asked privately. Points can also be made by NAF members, which bidders may want to take into account with their bids.
End February 17 – bids in, discussion begins within the voting committee within a private forum.
Beginning April 17 – voting starts
End April 17 (NAFC) – winning bid announced"

Der lange erwartete Re-Launch von Blood Bowl am Tabletop kommt am 25.11. 2016 in die Läden. Man kann es sich bei diversen Händlern (inklusive) GW auch schon online bestellen und so hier und da auch noch ein Gimmick dazu bekommen. Erscheinen wird zunächst die Grundbox mit einem Menschen- und einem Ork Team, welches jedoch kein komplettes Roster beinhaltet (zum Beispiel nur jeweils 2 Blitzer und 2 Blackorks). Dazu gibt es die Basisregeln, an denen sich nicht sehr viel geändert hat. Im Roster gibt es eine Veränderung des Menschen-Catchers (kostet nun nur noch 60K Gold), ansonsten keine Auffälligkeiten von denen wir bislang wissen. (Nicht ganz) Neu sind (optionale) Special-Play-Cards die man nun schon in jedem Spiel nutzen kann. Die Miniaturen sehen hervorragend aus, und insgesamt ist das ganze sicherlich auch im kommenden Weihnachtsgeschäft interessant weiter zu verfolgen. Wir hoffen dass viele neue Spieler in die BB-Community finden und online oder am Brett gegeneinander spielen.